Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Alrighty guys, you know I love crap.  Not just any crap, the kind of crap that you wouldn't buy but you can't help buying because you know it's total crap.  (4 x crap)  Anyway, every year on Christmas Eve we have a White Elephant gift exchange, and my lovely mother bought a Snuggie to put in the mix.  Becky got it first, mom of southside guitar-playin', Eli Young band-opening phenom Ryan Lee Evans , then I stole it from her...and then MY FATHER steals it from me FOR MY MOTHER.  Didn't she buy it for the gift exchange?  If ya wanted it ma, you should have just kept it and wrapped up some old bacon or something.  Then the present was dead.  :::cries:::  The next day, as we are opening presents, alas there is the Snuggie.  And on the day of Jesus' birth, my blog is born......

So here's my review of the Snuggie(r) with Free Book Light. 

1.  It's blue. 
2.  It's fleece.
3.  It's the same fleece that is made from say........a jacket worn by a stuffed animal you'd get out of one of those "claw" games.
4.  It's a robe that you put on backwards, not a blanket with sleeves.
5.  It doesn't even fit all the way around you as a robe.  (see photo of our model, Ashley)

6.  It's best used when reading a Twilight Saga book (with FREE BOOK LIGHT) and your 2 year old.

Some highlights from the box include
  • "Keeps you warm and your hands free!"  (because you and I both know that is strictly IMPOSSIBLE to use your hands with those darn blankets!) 
  • "It does not slip and slide like a regular blanket."  (because we all own satin blankets...???)
  • "You can also use outside to keep warm at sporting events!" (and get punched in the face and never spoken to again by your children)
And the piece de resistance:
Verdict:  TOTAL CRAP  (just use a blanket)

I'll be happy to review things you want to see...just leave me a comment and let me know.  I have some things on hand, but I'll go out and buy almost anything.  You know why, because I love crap.


  1. Awesome first blog! I've always wanted to see one on someone in person. No one will ever model it for me.

  2. Hey I can't see yours keeps telling me its gone gone gone.
