Monday, August 16, 2010

I'm BAACK... PedEgg

The PedEgg!

First, let me just say this blog will be void of disgusting photos of my feet.  They are in fact, just that - disgusting and scaly and an insult to female feet everywhere.  I was blessed with my father's feet, and they are closest to the ugliest feet I've ever seen in my life.  His toes are sideways.  While mine still face forward, I am concerned they will start looking at each other any day now.

The PedEgg had high hopes!  An at-home pedicure that I could fudge between actually getting a real pedicure.  (The real trick would be if the PedEgg could give me that hour of sanity I recover at the spa. HA! Now that you could sell...quick...someone get on that...) 

I started by soaking my feet in warm water for a spell, and even added a Fresh bath cube to help them along.  I got out my PedEgg, and started with my heels.  After what seems like forever, I checked it out.  It seemed to do the trick!  I also used the emery finishing pad to smooth any rough spots.  The emery pad was a slight disappointment, I think the grain was too small.  On to the balls of my feet...and this is where I hit a snag.  Literally.  I am so hard on my feet, the dear PedEgg could not keep up and I was left with sharp callous knives that threaten to deflate my flip flops.  (Which is why my feet look so bad in the first place. Bad flip flops! Bad!)

I emptied the little PedEgg and gave it a rest.  My heels looked fab, but the rest of me still needed some TLC. 

Verdict:  If you are not hard on your feet (as I am), this is totally a viable product.  And it was only $9.95!!  Totally worth it.

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